Denver Family Photographer
The Unconvential Guide to Family Traditions
Traditions give us a sense of connection and belonging. Family traditions can range from small daily habits, weekly rituals, to annual events that mark special occassions or holidays. We have moved cities and states several times since our children were born. I used to worry that moving so frequently would rob my children of family traditions, but as time has passed, I realize that we have created many of our own special traditions that transcend location! These traditions have given our kids comfort and security through times of change. I’ve also learned, it’s never to late to start a new tradition for your family. Read on for some of our favorite family traditions and check out this link for some more great ideas!
1. Hand Hug
This tradition started because the morning drop off was so rushed, a hug wasn’t always possible in the drop-off lane. A hand hug over the front seat was the perfect solution. Now as the boys are getting older, the hand hug is the perfect quick (non-embarassing for them) good-bye!
2. Wacky Wednesdays
As the boys are getting older and spend most of their afternoons playing with friends, I wanted to carve out a block of time just for me! Their school is released early every Wednesday, so we take advantage of the extra time to go an adventure. Being new to the Denver area, this has given us the motivation to explore so many new places! Our adventures range from museums and historical sites to renting a movie or visiting a new park.
3. Book Rewards
I love to treat my boys on occassion, but having moved frequently, I know better than to clutter our house with toys and objects that will soon be forgotten. I also don’t like to encourage screen time, so those type of treats don’t come from me! When my kids have something to celebrate or have earned a reward, a trip to the local bookstore is a great reward that has become a tradition.
4. Birthday Balloons
One year, having just moved to a new town, we skipped a birthday party for my older son, and instead he woke up to a banner in the living room and plenty of helium balloons to make his day festive. A few weeks later his brother started wondering what his “birthday balloons” would look like. So now it’s a fun tradition for us to stay up the night before blowing up balloons and hanging up some simple party decor for the birthday boy to find in the morning!
5. First and Last Day of School Photos
This tradition is pretty obvious for a mom who is also a Denver family photographer! But, I think this would be fun for any family. Every year we take a first day of school photo and a last day of school photo. It’s so much fun to see how much the boys have grown and changed over the year. You could do this in front of the same tree or door each year (to see how much they really do grow) or even in front of your child’s school.
Julie Livermore Photography specializes in newborn, family, child, maternity, birthday, baby and first year photography in Denver, Colorado and surrounding areas including but not limited to Boulder and Broomfield.