Newborn Photography Denver
Baby Nixon
9 day old baby Nixon was just as sweet and squishy as could be. Such a little beauty! I was so excited to get to work taking her photos, but she definitely had a mind of her own that morning. We could not get her to sleep! Sometimes it takes baby the first hour to really settle, but I don’t think Nixon truly fell asleep for the 3 plus hours I was there, despite mom following my simple prep instructions. And the few times she did start drifting off, after a few clicks it was time for a diaper change. Ha! Luckily she is just a mellow, sweet and smily little thing that wanted to see why her mom and I were so excited about her first photosession. And check out her beautiful bright eyes, it will be so fun seeing if they stay that blue at our next session!
Julie Livermore Photography specializes in newborn, family, child, and maternity photography in Denver, Colorado and surrounding areas including but not limited to Boulder and Broomfield.